
Maths Intent

At Elmsleigh Infant and Nursery School, we have adopted a mastery approach to deliver the three aims of the National Curriculum, fluency, reasoning, and problem solving. Underpinning this pedagogy is a belief that all children can achieve in maths. We believe in promoting sustained and deepening understanding by employing a variety of mastery strategies, with teaching conceptual understanding at the heart of everything we do. Our approach aims to provide all children with full access to the curriculum, enabling them to develop independence, confidence, and competence- ‘mastery’ in mathematics in order to be independent mathematicians who are well equipped to apply their learning to the wider world and be ready for the next phase of their mathematical education

Elmsleigh Maths Policy 

Whole school Long Term Plan

White Rose Maths 1 Minute App

White Rose have launched a fantastic app called 1-Minute Maths.  It has been designed by Maths experts to help children learn number confidence and fluency using a method they can enjoy. With easy-to-follow tasks delivered in engaging, bite-sized chunks, it is simple for children to use independently at home. The app is totally free and it’s available for use on Apple, Android and Kindle devices.

The app has been designed for infant aged children. There are games for Reception, Year 1 and 2.

  • Reception children: We suggest Reception children begin with tasks about subitising. It’s one of the most critical number skills a young child develops, recognising number groups without counting, making it a perfect place for Reception children to start.
  • Year 1 children: If your child has mastered subitising, we recommend moving onto tasks focused on adding and subtracting (focusing on number bonds to 10). The moving onto multiplication and division (focusing on counting in 2s, 5s and 10s)
  • Year 2 children: We suggest trying tasks focused on adding and subtracting (number bonds to 20. Then moving onto multiplication and division (2x, 5x, and 10x table).

Recommended websites to support families with Mathematics which include guidance and games.

Family Maths Toolkit

Oxford Owl

Top Marks

BBC Bitesize EYFS

BBC Bitesize KS1

Purple Mash

ICT Games
