Kindness Captains
At Elmsleigh, we believe that showing kindness to others, our world and ourselves is of the utmost importance. It is because of that belief that we created Kindness Captains.
Kindness Captains are children who, firstly, have kind hearts. They care very much about showing, promoting and rewarding kindness in our school. They value our school rules of having kind hands, kind feet and using kind words to encourage others and they are responsible is for rewarding children who demonstrate kindness in our school.
Our KS1 children were asked, with their parents help, to think about what would make them a great candidate and prepare a short speech to deliver in front of the class. The uptake and the standard of entries was nothing short of amazing, demonstrating the strength of character that our Elmsleigh children have!
After much deliberation, we were proud to invite two Year 1 children and two Year 2 children to become our Kindness Captains. With their caps voted for by the school on Democracy Day, the children will work with Mrs. Pettingale, our PSHE Lead to discuss and drive forward ways in which we can show, reward and communicate the amazing acts of kindness in our school with others.