British Values

At Elmsleigh our values are very important and this includes British Values. 

On National Democracy Day, Mrs. Pettingale led a whole school assembly about what Democracy is. The children were then given the opportunity to have a whole school vote. The children voted for a new hat colour for our Kindness Captains to wear (as the old white ones were quite dirty!). The vote resulted in navy blue caps being made to match our new uniform.  

During Anti-Bullying Week, in connection with the British Value. Tolerance and Respect, Mrs. Pettingale launched our new Kindness initiative (hoping to match the success of our previous Wall of Kindness): Kindness Catchers. The children and staff were given the task of ‘catching acts of kindness’ throughout the week to fill the Kindness Catchers, as we filled our Wall of Kindness with acts of Kindness the year before. The whole school worked so hard to demonstrate care and kindness towards one another.

We are looking forward to our next British Value, The Rule of Law. Last year Mrs. Pettingale told us that a possible crime had happened at our school! Our beloved attendance bear, Teddy Edwards went missing! We had a crime scene with clues to help us work out what had happened. Following this Mrs. Pettingale talked to us about the British Value, The Rule of Law and our local Police Community Officer came to visit and talk to us about the importance of following rules both in school and in our country.  
What will happen this term?