
Welcome to the Little Ladybirds Class!

Here in Ladybirds class, we love to learn. With the help of WALT our class parrot, we enjoy areas of learning like Literacy, Maths, PE, Understanding the World and Expressive Art and Design. We especially love our Sounds Write phonics. This helps us to learn to read so that we can read to learn! We are a very happy, helpful, friendly and kind class and we are very talkative, too. We love to explore the world around us and talk about what we discover. We pride ourselves on showing kindness to others and trying to be the youngest, yet the best role models in the school, too.

Here’s what some of our Little Ladybirds had to say about our class:

“I love Sounds Write because I know lots of sounds.”

“I like playing with my friends.”

“If I am worried I tell a trusted adult.”

“I like being in Ladybirds because WALT makes me laugh. He gets things muddled up and we have to help him learn!”

“My favourite part is playing outside.”